IRIX Development Foundation 1.1 for IRIX 6.4
SGI IRIX 6.4 Development Foundation 1.1.iso
Text File
331 lines
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1. _P_a_t_c_h__S_G_0_0_0_2_7_7_3__R_e_l_e_a_s_e__N_o_t_e
This release note describes patch SG0002773 to IRIX 6.2 (and
1.1 _S_u_p_p_o_r_t_e_d__H_a_r_d_w_a_r_e__P_l_a_t_f_o_r_m_s
This patch contains bug fixes for all platforms running 6.2
(and above). The software cannot be installed on other
1.2 _S_u_p_p_o_r_t_e_d__S_o_f_t_w_a_r_e__P_l_a_t_f_o_r_m_s
This patch contains bug fixes for the Fortran, C, and C++
compiler development and execution environment (version
1233356910) on a system running IRIX 6.2 (and above). While
installing the patch you may notice a conflict between
patchSG0002773.compiler_dev_sw.lib and
patchSG0002773.compiler_dev_sw32.lib. These conflicts are to
be expected, so rather than overriding the conflicts, do not
install the conflicting subsystem.
1.3 _B_u_g_s__F_i_x_e_d__b_y__P_a_t_c_h__S_G_0_0_0_2_7_7_3
This patch contains fixes for the following bugs. Bug
numbers from Silicon Graphics bug tracking system are
included for reference.
+o SGI bug number 232474: The routine
mp_set_slave_stacksize should return old value of
stacksize. With this patch the routine now returns the
previous value of stacksize.
+o SGI bug number 378358: The MP library had a bug in -n32
compilation where the return address was improperly
aligned in memory. This caused a problem with stack-
unwind by tools such as dbx and gprof.
+o SGI bug number 404228: The MP library now provides
support for data distribution, useful in the context of
distributed shared memory machines such as the Origins.
+o SGI bug number 441658: A user-specified signal handler
to trap control-c did not work. This patch fixes this
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bug, so that user-defined handlers to catch SIGINT now
+o SGI bug number 451258: CC Sync counter can occasionally
encounter a hardware deadlock on IP25. With this patch
the use of the CC-sync counter is disabled by default.
+o SGI bug number 455437: Bug in using hardware fetch-
and-op on IP27 through the _DSM_FOP environment
variable (programs run with 1 thread get deadlocked).
With this patch _DSM_FOP now works correctly with
varying number of threads, including 1.
+o SGI bug number 455511: On IP27 the environment variable
_DSM_MUSTRUN could sometimes cause multiple threads to
be assigned to the same node, leading to poor
performance. With this patch the MP library requests a
small amount of memory per node, avoiding corner cases
that resulted in the above problem.
+o SGI bug number 460617: The symbol pm_filldefault
referenced by the MP library is undefined on systems
before IRIX 6.4. To allow execution on earlier systems
(e.g. IRIX 6.2) this symbol needs to be declared as
weak within the library.
+o SGI bug number 468925: On Origin-2000 systems although
page migration is disabled by default, once enabled the
migration level requested was extremely aggressive.
With this patch the migration level (if enabled) is
lower with the value 10 on a scale of 1-100. In
addition, the user can control the migration level
explicitly through the environment variable
_DSM_MIGRATION_LEVEL (which can take values between 1
and 100).
+o SGI bug number 474179: This patch cleans up two
environment variables. The first concerns data
placement on Origin-2000 systems: _DSM_PLACEMENT is
now the recommended way to obtain either FIRST_TOUCH
data placement (default) or ROUND_ROBIN placement
(optional). The second environment variable controls
the underlying barrier implementation in the MP
runtime: _DSM_BARRIER can now be set to FOP, enabling
the hardware uncached/fetchop barrier implementation
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(disabled by default).
+o SGI bug number 520385: This patch fixes a bug in the
handling a zero-trip parallel loop with either dynamic
or gss scheduling. Before this fix, such a parallel
loop could spin indefinitely.
+o SGI bug number 538673: This patch fixes a bug in
program termination when the user program has installed
a SIGCLD handler. Before this fix, such a program could
result in error messages of the form "Error doing
waitpid for slave termination".
+o SGI bug number 549413: breakup patch 2416 runtime into
smaller patches
+o SGI bug number 561897: This patch fixes a race
condition in handling the ONTO clause.
+o SGI bug number 562965: This patch fixes a bug in
handling overlapping portions of a distributed array.
+o SGI bug number 574971: This patch fixes a bug in
handling affinity for a non-distributed dimension of an
array, and in computing the loop bounds for a block-
+o SGI bug number 576927: If the program exits due to an
error condition, some threads might be killed while
they are holding a lock. This fix ensures that the
program does not deadlock in that situation.
1.4 _S_u_b_s_y_s_t_e_m_s__I_n_c_l_u_d_e_d__i_n__P_a_t_c_h__S_G_0_0_0_2_7_7_3
This patch replaces patches:
1382 1390 1481 1609 1737 1816 1896 and 2422
This patch release includes these subsystems:
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+o patchSG0002773.compiler_dev_sw.lib
+o patchSG0002773.compiler_dev_sw32.lib
+o patchSG0002773.compiler_dev_sw64.lib
+o patchSG0002773.compiler_eoe_sw.lib
+o patchSG0002773.compiler_eoe_sw64.lib
1.5 _I_n_s_t_a_l_l_a_t_i_o_n__I_n_s_t_r_u_c_t_i_o_n_s
Because you want to install only the patches for problems
you have encountered, patch software is not installed by
default. After reading the descriptions of the bugs fixed
in this patch (see Section 1.3), determine the patches that
meet your specific needs.
If, after reading Sections 1.1 and 1.2 of these release
notes, you are unsure whether your hardware and software
meet the requirements for installing a particular patch, run
_i_n_s_t. The _i_n_s_t program does not allow you to install
patches that are incompatible with your hardware or
Patch software is installed like any other Silicon Graphics
software product. Follow the instructions in your _S_o_f_t_w_a_r_e
_I_n_s_t_a_l_l_a_t_i_o_n _A_d_m_i_n_i_s_t_r_a_t_o_r'_s _G_u_i_d_e to bring up the miniroot
form of the software installation tools.
Follow these steps to select a patch for installation:
1. At the Inst> prompt, type
iiiinnnnssssttttaaaallllllll ppppaaaattttcccchhhhSSSSGGGG_x_x_x_x_x_x_x
where _x_x_x_x_x_x_x is the patch number.
2. Initiate the installation sequence. Type
IIIInnnnsssstttt>>>> ggggoooo
3. You may find that two patches have been marked as
incompatible. (The installation tools reject an
installation request if an incompatibility is
detected.) If this occurs, you must deselect one of
the patches.
IIIInnnnsssstttt>>>> kkkkeeeeeeeepppp ppppaaaattttcccchhhhSSSSGGGG_x_x_x_x_x_x_x
- 5 -
where _x_x_x_x_x_x_x is the patch number.
4. After completing the installation process, exit the
_i_n_s_t program by typing
IIIInnnnsssstttt>>>> qqqquuuuiiiitttt
1.6 _P_a_t_c_h__R_e_m_o_v_a_l__I_n_s_t_r_u_c_t_i_o_n_s
To remove a patch, use the _v_e_r_s_i_o_n_s _r_e_m_o_v_e command as you
would for any other software subsystem. The removal process
reinstates the original version of software unless you have
specifically removed the patch history from your system.
vvvveeeerrrrssssiiiioooonnnnssss rrrreeeemmmmoooovvvveeee ppppaaaattttcccchhhhSSSSGGGG_x_x_x_x_x_x_x
where _x_x_x_x_x_x_x is the patch number.
To keep a patch but increase your disk space, use the
_v_e_r_s_i_o_n_s _r_e_m_o_v_e_h_i_s_t command to remove the patch history.
vvvveeeerrrrssssiiiioooonnnnssss rrrreeeemmmmoooovvvveeeehhhhiiiisssstttt ppppaaaattttcccchhhhSSSSGGGG_x_x_x_x_x_x_x
where _x_x_x_x_x_x_x is the patch number.
1.7 _K_n_o_w_n__P_r_o_b_l_e_m_s